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Children and Young People in Child Welfare Institutions and Services Provided by the Municipality as of December 31st, up to 2014




The dataset collection contains information about children and young people in child welfare institutions and services provided by the municipality as of December 31st, up to 2014. The data is sourced from the web site of Sotkanet in Finland.


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Children and Young People in Child Welfare Institutions and Services Provided by the Municipality as of December 31st, up to 2014

The indicator gives the number of children and young people in municipally funded child welfare institutions (children´s homes, reform schools, youth homes etc.) on 31 December. The number of clients includes all persons registered as clients in such child welfare institutions (incl. those on holiday or temporarily absent), that is, clients with a reserved client place.The data are available according to the following classification: 1. "Municipality´s own services" refers to services produced in the municipality´s own units. 2. "Services sold by the municipality" refers to the sale of the services mentioned under item 1 to other municipalities, for instance. 3. "Services purchased from the state" refers to services purchased from state-owned units. 4. "Services purchased from municipalities" refers to services purchased from other municipalities. 5. "Services purchased from joint municipal boards" refers to all services purchased from joint municipal boards. 6. "Services purchased from others" mainly refers services purchased from the private sector. 7. "Services funded by the municipality" refers to the volume of services (or income transfers) that the municipality has funded for its inhabitants. The volume is calculated by subtracting the services sold by the municipality from the municipality´s own provision and then adding the purchases (= 1-2+3+4+5+6). The definitions and classifications used in the statistics are presented in Kuntien ja kuntayhtymien talous- ja toimintatilaston luokitukset 2006 (Classifications used in statistics on municipal finances and activities 2004), a publication by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities (in Finnish). The publication is available at the website of the Association (

NameDatatypeDescriptionHistogramMissing %Unique ValuesUnique %MinMaxMeanMedianS.Deviation

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