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Vocational Degree of Person Responsible for Farm Management in All Vocational Fields by Ely Centre




This dataset collection contains tables sourced from the web site of Luke in Finland. It provides information on the vocational degree of the person responsible for farm management across all vocational fields, categorized by ELY Centre. The tables within this dataset collection offer valuable insights into the vocational qualifications of individuals involved in farm management in Finland.


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Vocational Degree of Person Responsible for Farm Management - Vocational Fields by Ely Centre (History)

The table contains the version history of the base table rows of vocational degree of persons responsible for farm management in all vocational fields, for each ELY Centre. It includes information such as the start and end dates of each version, the row number, the year, the ELY Centre, the vocational education, and the vocational degree of the person responsible for farm management in all vocational fields. The data in this table can be utilized in data analytics to analyze the trends and changes in vocational degrees across different years and ELY Centres. It can provide insights into the distribution and qualifications of individuals responsible for farm management in various vocational fields. The data is sourced from the web site of the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) which originates from the country with ISO country code 'FI', that is Finland.

NameDatatypeDescriptionHistogramMissing %Unique ValuesUnique %MinMaxMeanMedianS.Deviation

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