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Share of Direct Selling of the Total Sales in Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises by Production Sector

Version History - Share of Direct Selling of Total Sales in Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises by Production Sector - Year History

This table contains the version history of the rows from the 'share_of_direct_selling_of_the_total_sales_in_agricutural_and_horticultural_enterprises_that_carry_on_direct_selling_by_production_sector__dim_year' table. It stores the start and end dates for each version of the rows, along with a row number, code, and label. The table is sourced from the 'Luke' website, which originates from the country Finland (ISO country code 'fi'). The data in this table can be utilized in data analytics to track the changes in the share of direct selling of total sales in agricultural and horticultural enterprises, categorized by production sector and year. Analysts can study the trends and patterns over time, identify the most recent version of each row, and perform comparative analysis between different versions.

NameDatatypeDescriptionHistogramMissing %Unique ValuesUnique %MinMaxMeanMedianS.Deviation

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