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Sample-Based Animal Protection Inspections on Production Animal Farms and the Proportion of Neglects

Version History of Animal Protection Inspections on Production Animal Farms and the Proportion of Neglects (Data Source: Luke, Country: Finland)

This table provides the version history of the rows in the base table 'sample_based_animal_protection_inspections_on_production_animal_farms_and_the_proportion_of_neglects__dim_data'. It contains additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date' which represent the extraction dates of each row from the data source. The data in this table is sourced from the website of 'Luke' which originates from Finland (ISO country code: 'fi'). The table can be used for data analytics purposes, such as analyzing trends and changes in the animal protection inspections on production animal farms and the proportion of neglects over time. By examining the start and end dates, one can identify when each version of a row was extracted and observe any patterns or developments in the data. The code and label columns provide further information about the inspected farms and the nature of neglects, allowing for detailed analysis and comparisons. Overall, this historical version table supports in-depth analysis and tracking of changes in animal protection inspections and neglect proportions on production animal farms.

Database namefi_luke
Table namesample_based_animal_protection_inspections_on_production_animal_farms_and_the_proportion_of_neglects__dim_data__history

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