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Habitats of Special Importance According to the Forest Act on Privately Owned and Company Owned Forestry Land (ha) by Region and Habitat (1.1.2016)

Habitats of Special Importance according to the Forest Act on Privately Owned and Company Owned Forestry Land in Finland by Region and Habitat (as of 1/1/2016)

This dataset provides information about habitats of special importance according to the forest act on privately owned and company-owned forestry land, categorized by region and habitat. The data is sourced from the website of Luke, a research and innovation institute in Finland (ISO country code: FI). This table contains information such as the extraction date, row number, region, habitat, and the habitats of special importance according to the forest act on privately owned and company-owned forestry land. The data in this table can be utilized in data analytics to analyze the distribution and conservation status of habitats in different regions, identify trends and changes in habitat preservation over time, assess the effectiveness of the forest act in protecting habitats, and compare the distribution of habitats across regions and land ownership types.

Database namefi_luke
Table namehabitats_of_special_importance_according_to_the_forest_act_on_privately_owned_and_company_owned_forestry_land_ha_by_region_and_habitat_1_1_2016__fact

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