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Habitats of Special Importance According to the Forest Act on Privately Owned and Company Owned Forestry Land (ha) by Region and Habitat (1.1.2016)

Habitats of Special Importance According to the Forest Act on Privately Owned and Company Owned Forestry Land by Region and Habitat (1/1/2016)

This table contains information about habitats of special importance according to the Forest Act in privately-owned and company-owned forestry land, categorized by region and habitat type. The data is sourced from the website of Luke, the Natural Resources Institute Finland. The data originates from Finland (ISO country code: FI). This table can be utilized in various data analytics tasks, such as:

  1. Assessing the distribution of habitats of special importance across different regions in Finland.

  2. Analyzing the variation in the size of habitats within different habitat types.

  3. Identifying the most common habitats of special importance in privately-owned and company-owned forestry land.

  4. Comparing the changes in the number and size of habitats over time.

Please note that the specific columns and their descriptions are not provided in this response.

NameDatatypeDescriptionHistogramMissing %Unique ValuesUnique %MinMaxMeanMedianS.Deviation

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