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Fish Used for Human Consumption (kg/person/year)

Fish Used for Human Consumption (kg/person/year) - Year History from Luke (Finland)

This table contains the version history of the rows from the 'fish_used_for_human_consumption_kgpersonyear__dim_year' table. It includes two additional columns compared to its base table: '_start_date' and '_end_date'. The '_start_date' column stores the date when the row was extracted from the Luke data source, while the '_end_date' column stores the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the '_end_date' value is null, it means that the row is the most recent version. The data in this table, sourced from the Luke website, provides information about the consumption of fish used for human consumption in kilograms per person per year in various years. This data can be utilized in data analytics to analyze trends in fish consumption over time, identify patterns in consumption among different years, and compare fish consumption between different geographic locations. The Luke data is specific to Finland, with the ISO country code 'fi'.

NameDatatypeDescriptionHistogramMissing %Unique ValuesUnique %MinMaxMeanMedianS.Deviation

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